Monday, March 01, 2021

The 2021 Race Is On! (With Changes)

Great news for paddlers this spring! A downsized 54th Kenduskeag Stream Canoe Race will be held on Saturday, April 17th with important new rules and regulations. Here are some highlights:

- The race will be limited in scope to 150 total boats, and seven race classes.

- Registration is $35 per person, and the registration deadline is Thursday, April 8.

- Paddlers must pick up their stickers, race bibs, etc. at the Bangor Parks and Recreation office; race packets will NOT be handed out at the race.

- Starting times will be staggered by class, from 8:30am to 10:00am.

- All paddlers must wear masks/face coverings until they are on the stream.

- As the start times of the race are staggered, paddlers can not meet at the starting point in Kenduskeag until 20 minutes before their designated start time (again, by class).

- There will not be a warming tent at the finish line this year.

- Six Mile Falls will be closed to the public during the race (no gathering of spectators). For spectators watching the race at other points along the stream, the use of masks and social distancing are advised.

For all the details, check out these resources:

2021 Race Flyer (PDF file)

2021 Waiver/Registration Form (PDF file)

Bangor Parks & Recreation Online Registration

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