Friday, April 18, 2008

Group Paddle Today, And You're Invited!

The general public is invited to participate in a hands-on "preview" of the whitewater sections of the Kenduskeag Stream today!

Meet up near the area where the Kenduskeag Stream enters the Penobscot River (near the Sea Dog) at 4pm. You and your boat will be shuttled to Six Mile Falls, and you can paddle your way back to town under the guidance and tutelage of experienced paddlers who will go at your pace and skill level. Bring a dry change of clothes for when you get back to town!

This event is hosted by MaCKRO, the Maine Canoe & Kayak Racing Organization.

PS - on race day (Saturday) a special open house event will take place at the Sea Dog restaurant following the race, at 3pm. There will be snacks and live entertainment provided for anyone who wishes to attend after the race. And if you'd like to join MaCKRO, a special introductory rate of just five bucks will get you there.

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