Occupational Hazards

There's always an element of risk involved whenever a photographer brings expensive camera gear close to a body of water. A paddler cruised by and carelessly threw a gallon or more of water all over me and my camera rig while bailing his canoe. As a result, my 300mm telephoto lens isn't working, and it will have to be sent to Nikon for repairs.
(The photo above is of my actual camera rig by the stream - I took this snapshot just minutes before being completely doused.)
It was a honest mistake, of course. The paddler didn't even see me and so he has no idea that he totally ruined my day. And I should have placed some sort of protection over my lens to make it a bit more waterproof. I know better, but oh well. Live and learn.
By the way, check out my website for Maine whitewater races, MaineCanoeRaces.com, and you'll find photo galleries from these whitewater events leading up to the Kenduskeag!
Labels: cameras, souadabscook
Sorry to hear about that Mike, keep up the good work & don't let it get you down too much
Thanks, Tuna! Nothing to do but laugh really. It's just one of those things.
I have a EWA housing/bag you could borrow.
Thanks, PJ. Wish I knew that beforehand! Just kidding. But I'm looking at a $430 repair from Nikon. In hindsight, I should have spent that kind of money on a nice waterproof housing to begin with.
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