Monday, April 13, 2009

Stream Conditions Report Coming Soon

UPDATE 4/14:

I walked along portions of the stream today and will post photos and comments tomorrow. I simply ran out of time this evening! But in a nutshell, I would say that the stream is on the low side of medium, and I would characterize the flow as "mellow". The water levels are certainly good enough for a fun race and at the same time the conditions are mild enough to appeal to first time paddlers looking to take part this Saturday. An easygoing stream this year in many respects, and we can expect it to drop even further before race day. More on this tomorrow.

* * * *

If you have scouted the stream (especially the rapids) please write in the comments area about your impressions and observations. People from out of town - in fact, out of the country - will be grateful.

PS - the shot above was taken at the Marsh Stream Canoe Race near Frankfort/Winterport. Nice race on an Easter Sunday. It was the second leg of the "Maine Whitewater Weekend", with the first leg being the Souadabscook Stream Canoe Race on Saturday. Keep it in mind for next year if you weren't there!

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At Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 9:21:00 PM EDT, Blogger ddunphylibby said...

does anyone have advice for a nervous first time racer...that has minimal canoe experience?

At Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 11:12:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're screwed like me!

At Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 11:44:00 PM EDT, Blogger Michael Alden said...

A mellow Kenduskeag for the most part this year. That's my call. It most certainly will not be a repeat of the "wild & woolly" conditions we saw in 2007, and in fact I think the stream is lower and slower than at this time last year.

I'm sure others have advice but one thing never changes: don't grab the gunwales when you go through the rapids and keep your paddle in the water!

At Wednesday, April 15, 2009 at 1:14:00 AM EDT, Anonymous Jay Beck said...

I walked 6 mile falls on Sunday. if youre going to take the 'river left' roundabout way through 6 mi falls, then you know of the 3-4 small drops and then the big right turn as you approach the tongue. There is a large rock right in the the middle of the river between the 2nd and 3rd drops. so the river will try to push you sideways into this rock. its gonna tangle up a lot of folks.

We are taking river right (the most direct route through); it has one pretty big drop (clogged on both sides by detritus) and then the tongue, but it looks like the river will be pushing you from behind (rather than trying to turn you like river left will play)


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